1.1 These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "User Terms") for GolfLog regulate the relationship between users and GolfLog.

1.2 By continuing to use GolfLog, you agree to the Terms of Use. If you do not If you accept the terms, you must stop using GolfLog.

1.3 By accepting the Terms of Use, you consent to the GolfLog, which allows GolfLog to process your data.

1.4 If you are under the age of 16, you must have your parents' consent for acceptance Terms of use and consent to GolfLog.

1.5 You are recommended to save and / or print the Terms of Use. 


2.1 GolfLog is an online tool for coordinating all types of team sports. 


3.1 To use GolfLog, you must create a user account.

3.2 See GolfLog's handling of personal data in GolfLog's personal data conditions further down in this document.

3.3 It is your own responsibility that the information in your user account is correct and up to date. GolfLog has no responsibility for the consequences of incorrect information in the user account.

3.4 When creating a user account, select a password. Your password is personal and you must treat it confidentially.

3.5 If you may experience abuse of your password or user account, you must immediately Please contact GolfLog at the address or e-mail address indicated above. 


4.1 If you wish to delete your user, this can be done under your "Profile Settings". In case of deletion, special conditions exist for possible scenarios. These are elaborated in GolfLog's Personal Data Terms section 8.

4.2 Deleting your user requires an active action on your part. Your user will stay in GolfLog's database until you actively delete the user.


5.1 GolfLog has all rights, including property rights and copyright, to GolfLog.

5.2 Upon acceptance of the terms and conditions you obtain a limited, non-exclusive and revocable right to use GolfLog as this is made available on the Internet. The right of use is subject to, that you have always accepted the terms and conditions in force at any time, including Terms of Use, for GolfLog. If you cannot accept such terms, you must immediately discontinue use of GolfLog.

5.3 To the extent that you upload material to GolfLog, you give GolfLog a right of use for such material so that GolfLog can operate its services. You guarantee that you have them necessary rights to give GolfLog such right of use.


6.1 Upon your acceptance of these terms, you agree that GolfLog may issue orientation email to the email address that you have linked to your GolfLog user account.

6.2 Upon your acceptance of these terms, you consent to the use of your club GolfLog's organization app for sending e-mails can receive e-mails from for example one association or association of which your club is a member.

6.3 Such e-mails may include, subject to your separate consent promotional material.


7.1 If you as a user associate the ability to receive and send payments from yours user account, please note that this is done on the basis of an agreement that you is included with a third party.

7.2 GolfLog is without responsibility for all matters concerning payments.


8.1 Golf logs are made available as they are and are in the form at any time. GolfLog strives for the service to be available at all times, but does not guarantee this. GolfLog cannot be held responsible for any failure to access GolfLog, other operational disturbances, system crash or the like, whether GolfLog could have avoided these.

8.2 Any use of GolfLog is at the user's own risk and responsibility. GolfLog can in no case is made liable for users' use of GolfLog or missing access to the service.

8.3 GolfLog is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of information provided is found on GolfLog, and is in no case liable for losses arising from actions or omissions made in confidence in the information contained in the GolfLog or defect at the same. Furthermore, GolfLog is never responsible for data, information etc., such as appears from internet pages to which links from GolfLog.

8.4 In no case may GolfLog be liable for indirect loss, including, but not limited to consequential, lost earnings, operating losses, loss of data or other losses to you as user or with third parties.

8.5 If GolfLog, irrespective of the above limitations of liability, may remain GolfLog's liability at any time is limited to an amount equivalent to that you as a user have paid for the use of GolfLog within the last 6 months prior to The loss of the loss, however, never more than a total amount of DKK 1,000.


9.1 GolfLog is at any time entitled to make changes to the Terms of Use. If GolfLog makes changes to the Terms of Use, users will be informed about this sending orientation email to the informed email address, just as you will be informed about this by your next login.

9.2 If you do not accept the revised terms, you will not be able to continue use GolfLog.


10.1 GolfLog is at any time entitled to make any change to the GolfLog service, below can be added, deleted and changed functionality, or GolfLog can completely cease to offer the GolfLog service. Everything without any responsibility.

10.2 GolfLog will seek in good time to notify changes, etc. which are considered to have significant negative impact on users.


11.1 Any dispute between GolfLog and you must as far as possible be sought amicably.

11.2 If a dispute between GolfLog and you cannot be settled amicably, such case must is determined by Danish law by the ordinary Danish courts. To the extent you apply legislation can enter into such an agreement, a possible lawsuit must be brought before the court in Aarhus.


These are User Terms for GolfLog version 1.00 of March 5, 2019.



1.1 These personal data conditions for GolfLog (hereafter referred to as "the personal data conditions") applies to the processing of your personal data on GolfLog.

1.2 By continuing to use GolfLog, you accept and disclose the Personal Data Terms consent to the treatment described in the Personal Data Terms. If you do not Accept the Personal Data Terms, you must stop using GolfLog.

1.3 If you are under 16 years of age, you must have your parents' approval when you accept these terms and give your consent.

1.4 All personal data processed by GolfLog are in accordance with the Personal Data Regulation, which entered into force on 25 May 2018. The Danish Data Inspectorate supervises any processing, which is covered by the Personal Data Regulation. See 

1.5 You are recommended to save and or print the Personal Data Terms.


2.1 If you are a member of a club or association that has accepted a data processing agreement between the club and GolfLog, this data controller is. Thus, the club is responsible for that the rules in accordance with the Personal Data Regulation are observed. Furthermore, it is also the club's responsibility to inform about the purpose of the data processing.

2.2 In case you are not affiliated with a club that has signed a data processing agreement GolfLog is the data controller for you and your data.


3.1 GolfLog is a data processor and therefore acts on behalf of and according to instructions from your club. IN According to your rights as a user, GolfLog will follow your instructions in connection with eg withdrawal of consent or the like.

3.2 Golf logs must take the necessary technical and organizational security measures against the fact that information is accidentally or illegally destroyed, lost or impaired, and against they come to the knowledge of the unauthorized, abused or otherwise treated in contravention of Privacy regulation. GolfLog must provide you with sufficient information upon request to ensure that the technical and organizational security measures mentioned are taken.


4.1 The purpose of processing your information is to ensure your ability to use GolfLog. The legal basis for the data processing is Article 6 (1). 1, in the general EU Privacy Regulation.

4.2 In addition, GolfLog uses your information for marketing purposes thus, that the advertisements you are presented via GolfLog are, as far as possible, relevant to you. Yours personal information and contact information is never disclosed.


5.1 In connection with the establishment of GolfLog, information is collected about you, either knowing that you enter this information yourself on GolfLog or by providing your club with information about you. In this connection, as a minimum, information about your first and last name as well as this DGU number. From here, information about the e-mail address can also optionally be provided. mobile phone number, telephone number, date of birth and address information.

5.2 You always have the possibility to correct the information that is stated about you on GolfLog, see also point. 7.2.

5.3 Golf log also records activities and events, including payments, etc.

5.4 As a data controller, your club is able to obtain the requested information, which can Include personal data around you. This is solely the responsibility of the club, and the club must therefore also have a valid justification for this.

6. Pictures and texts on GolfLog

6.1 In case you choose to upload a profile picture to your profile, you consent to the club must use your profile picture in the app. You will always have the option to delete or change the image from your profile. If you do not want to appear with a profile picture, this can deselected under your "Profile settings".

6.2 When you use GolfLog, you also grant permission to appear on your club's internal GolfLog's platform on situation pictures taken in public space, including from settled tournaments, etc.

6.3 Both texts, profile pictures and sharing of images via chat, in groups or other on GolfLog are of course subject to Danish law. If a user writes texts or uses pictures on his profile that is found to be inappropriate or offensive or for the pictures concerned is used without the consent of others, your user profile could be deleted immediately and without notice. This can happen both at the request of your club or by GolfLog,

7. Your rights

7.1 As a user of GolfLog you have the right to gain insight into the personal data GolfLog processes about you. Furthermore, you are entitled to object to the treatment that GolfLog as data processor for your personal information. GolfLog does not process other information about you than the information you can see on your user account.

7.2 If you find that the Personal Information GolfLog is dealing with you is not correct or are misleading, you can correct these. If it is not possible for yourself to correct the information, you can contact GolfLog.

7.3 Any inquiry regarding insight into, correction, or objection to your processing Personal data must be sent to GolfLog at

7.4 As a user of GolfLog you have the right to receive the information registered about you. If you want this please contact

7.5 If you are set up by your club, your user will be "without consent" until you log in yourself and actively consent to GolfLog. In case your club has set you up, it is the club's responsibility to obtain your consent to appear on the GolfLog platform.

7.6 You may withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent means that You can no longer use GolfLog. To withdraw your consent, delete your consent user under "Profile settings". Special conditions exist for deletion, cf. 8th


8.1. Your club has the opportunity to delete your affiliation with the club. In this scenario, yours will user being deleted from GolfLog.

8.2. If you want to delete your user from GolfLog, this can be done under "Profile settings". In connection with deletion you will be offered the opportunity to receive newsletters from GolfLog and your club.


9.1 GolfLog is entitled at any time to make changes to these Personal Data Conditions. If GolfLog makes changes to the Personal Data Terms, you will be informed this by sending out orientation e-mail to the e-mail registered under your user account address, as well as you will be informed of this by your next login.

9.2 If you do not accept the revised Personal Data Terms, you are not able to continue to use GolfLog. 


GolfLog doesn't use cookies.


This is Personal Data Terms for GolfLog version 1.00 of March 5, 2019.